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Storia: dal 1903 ad oggi...

  • 1903

    Our company is born

    Founder Hendrik Slabbinck becomes "Master in the Guild of the Gold Embroiderers", and starts a workshop in his parents’ attic. Our company is born!
      Hendrik Slabbinck
  • After World War I

    After World War I contacts are made in Germany, Austria, Italy, USA and Canada.
  • 1923

    First catalogue in black and white is offered

  • 1924

    Second Generation, Maurice Slabbinck joins the company as an apprentice

  • Second World War

    Second World War. Unique “needle-painted” embroideries were made in order to keep our 18 workers in Brugge and out of the war industry.
  • 1961

    Marc Slabbinck, third generation joins the company

  • 1963

    Dirk Slabbinck, brother of Marc, joins the company

  • 1965

    Death of Hendrik Slabbinck

    Hendrik Slabbinck
    Hendrik Slabbinck
  • 1973

    First catalog printed in color

    First catalog printed in color Slabbinck
  • 1974

    New premises in the Lieven Bauwensstraat

    Move from the inner city to an industrial zone in Brugge.
  • 1999

    4th generation, Mirabel, Viktor and Mathias Slabbinck join the company

  • 2001


    In addition to our collection of religious textile, Mirabel Slabbinck starts a new collection of home linens ( This choice is a new step in our strategy to maintain a strong production unit in Brugge.
  • 2003 : centennial

    We celebrate our centennial in service of liturgy. We offer a concert to our customers and employees in the Concert Hall of Brugge. The third and fourth generation are actively serving our customers at this point.
  • 2013

    Dirk and Marc Slabbinck leave the company

    The fourth generation continues.
  • 2019

    Covid19 crisis

    Nella crisi del Covid19, la nostra azienda ha servito la comunità attraverso la produzione di mascherine. Inoltre, tagliamo anche tutti i tipi di tessuti disponibili in modo che i cittadini di Bruges possano anche cucire maschere per la bocca a casa.
  • 2023

    Team Slabbinck is still passionedly serving liturgy worldwide

    Mirabel and Viktor Slabbinck are now in charge. Mathias Slabbinck left the company in 2018.
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